Some of you may remember that just before moon scones was officially born
last November 2022 …. we had a chimney fire resulting in our inability to use the fireplace during the winter last year.
We had the exterior part of the chimney rebuilt over the last month … along with adding a liner and a wood stove which should provide more efficient heat.
The night before the fire was filled with shadows from the last hearth fire ….
dancing all over the living room making great … and sometimes rather spooky shadows on the ceiling.
I played with the shadows that night
and had great fun!
In the morning … the downstairs part of our house was filled with smoke.
9 huge fire trucks and loads of fire people crawled all over our house trying to extinguish the fire & bringing the wall temperature down … from 375F. When I saw the temperature on the fire person’s gauge … I thought to myself … that’s the temperature for my scones.
To calm myself, I made the fire folks the first batch of what would become moon scones. I didn’t have butter or cream ….so, I used yogurt and oat milk & vegan butter ….. they loved them …. and kept coming back for more each day for about 3 days … to get more scones & check the wall temperature… to ensure it was coming down.
The fire happened on a Tuesday and when I woke up on Wednesday… something in my head switched on ….
and I often joke that Shirley lit a fire under my arse … about starting the bakery I had been hemming & hawing about for four years … and had already made the logo.
I decided that Wednesday morning during the week of Thanksgiving … to be thankful for what I have … but to also take a chance on something that could be … and I opened moon scones on the following Saturday - Small Business Saturday - on my front porch.
I had three days to make it happen & it worked.
I was so grateful to the people who came by on that very first day when I was sitting on my porch with an antique card table I found in the attic … all set up with baskets filled to the brim with delicious scones …. and even vegan & gluten-free options.
Everything is back in order once again …
10 months later … and moon scones seems to be chugging along as well …
… moving down the road at a steady clip towards my goals.
Thank you!
Thank you for your continued support of my little micro-bakery.